bonjour jai besoin daide pour cette exercice svp

Réponse :
BE (au temps voulu ) + participe passé
1. Football (play) all around the world.
→ Football is played all around the world. ( présent simple )
2. These works of art (make) two months ago.
→ These works of art were made two months ago. ( prétérit )
3. The machines (test) for two weeks.
→ The machines were tested for two weeks . ( prétérit )
4. This house (build) before the end of the year.
→ This house will be built before the end of the year. ( futur will+ BV)
5. The cinema (close) since last week.
→ The cinema has been closed since last week. ( present perfect )
6. The new project (show) to the people last week.
→ The new project was shown to the people last week. ( prétérit )
7.New phones (create) every year.
→ New phones are created every year ( présent simple )
8. The airport (open) in two years.
→ The airport will be opened in two years. ( futur will + BV )
Explications :
La phrase 3 pose problème ... Il n'y a pas d'indicateur de temps..
On a plusieurs solutions:
The machines were tested for two weeks. ( Les machines ont été testées pendant 2 semaines.) prétérit sans lien avec le présent, on affirme un fait passé
The machines have been tested for two weeks. ( les machines ont été testées pendant 2 semaines ) present perfect, on met en avant le résultat ...
The machines will be tested for two weeks . ( Les machines seront testées pendant 2 semaines ) Futur