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« Une semaine après la publication de l'article de CNBC, Mark Zuckerberg et Elon Musk se rencontrent pour discuter de l'IA. »Écrivez leur conversation qui fait 10lignes minimum

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Salut voila ce que jai pu faire:

Mark: Hey Elon, I read the CNBC article on AI. Any thoughts?

Elon: Hi Mark, yeah, it raises concerns. We need to tread carefully. How do you see the future of AI at Facebook?

Mark: I believe we have to balance innovation and safety. Let's work together on common ethical standards.

Elon: Agreed. And what about regulations? We can't have a Wild West scenario in AI development.

Mark: Totally, Elon. Let's collaborate with regulators to ensure responsible AI practices industry-wide.

Elon: Good call, Mark. We need proactive steps to avoid potential pitfalls in AI advancement.

Mark: Absolutely, Elon. Ethical guidelines and collaboration will be key for the responsible evolution of AI.