
Tu te présentes aux élections présidentielles des Etats-Unis d’Amérique ! Pour cela,
tu dois préparer un discours afin de convaincre les électeurs de voter pour toi. Dans ce discours
tu devras te présenter brièvement ainsi que le parti politique auquel tu appartiens. Tu devras
également présenter quelques idées de ton programme (ce que tu as l’intention de changer, les
lois que tu veux mettre en place…). Tu choisiras une cause à défendre et feras référence à une
figure politique des Etats-Unis

pouvez vous m aider s il vous plait je doit le faire en anglais en plus

Répondre :


Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you today as a candidate for the presidency of the United States. I am proud to represent the Progressive Party, a party dedicated to equality, justice, and progress for all.

My fellow Americans, I believe in a future where every individual has access to quality education, affordable healthcare, and a living wage. As your president, I will work tirelessly to reform our healthcare system, ensure equal pay for equal work, and invest in renewable energy to combat climate change.

One of the causes I am passionate about is education. Education is the key to unlocking opportunities and building a better future for generations to come. I pledge to prioritize education reform, increase funding for schools in underserved communities, and make college more affordable for all.

In the spirit of change and progress, I am inspired by the legacy of Senator Elizabeth Warren. Her dedication to fighting for economic equality and advocating for the middle class serves as a guiding light for my own campaign.

Together, let us build a brighter tomorrow for all Americans. Thank you.

Feel free to customize and expand on these ideas to create a compelling speech for your campaign!