
Bonjour je n’arrive pas du tout à remplir cette feuille en anglais.
Merci à la personne qui pourra m’aider !

Bonjour Je Narrive Pas Du Tout À Remplir Cette Feuille En Anglais Merci À La Personne Qui Pourra Maider class=

Répondre :



tell = he told

state = he stated

explain = he explained

answer = he answered

ask = he asked


am/is = was

can = could

do/does = did

have/has = had

are = were

shall = should

will = would

must = had to

may/might = might


yesterday = the day before

tomorrow = the following day

last = previous

here = there

tonight = that day

now = then


"I" becomes "she" or "he"

"My" becomes "her" or "his"

"We" becomes "they"

"Our" becomes "their"


a. Mary said that she was from London.

b. Jessica and James said that they lived with their parents.

c. Ann stated that Mark would get a promotion soon.

d. Andrew said that the boss was in a good mood that day.

e. My mother said that I had to do my homework.

f. Chris said that his father could speak Italien fluently.

g. Ted said that he would organize a party the following week.

h. Alex said that he could run very fast.

i. Adam said that his cousin had taken a lot of photographs the day before.

j. The teacher asked if I had done my exercices.

J'espère t'avoir aidée!



EXO 1 Find  verbs which enable you to report speech

He told (me/us)

He answered

He explained

He asked

He replied

He suggested

He added

etc... j'en ai rajouté dans le dernier exo....

EXO  2  

am/is ===> was

can =====> could

does ====> did

have/has ==> had

are ======> were

shall ====> should

will =====> would

must ====>had to

may/might ==> might


EXO 3 match time markers

yesterday ==> the day before

tomorrow ==> the followind day

last ======> The previous

here ======> there

*tonight==== That day

now  =====> then

*pas trop daccord ...(j'aurais mis today = that day /tonight = that night) C'est ce que j'ai appris et c'est juste logique ... (parles-en à ton/ta prof..je suis sûr qu'il/elle sera d'accord. Et au moins, tu montres que tu as compris ...!!)


EXO 4 les pronoms

I ========> he /she

my ======>  his / hers

we ======>  they

our ======>  their


EXO 5  reported speech

a- Mary said (that)  she was from London.

b- Jessica and James told us (that) they lived with their parents.

c- Ann explained (that) Mark would get a promotion soon.

d- Andrew declared (that) the boss was in a good mood that day.

e- My mother insisted (that) I had to do my homework then!

f- Chris replied (that)  his /her father could speak Italian fluently

je ne suis pas sûr si Chris est F (her) ou M (his)

g- Ted  suggested (that)  he would organize a party the following week.

h- Alex exclaimed (that) he could run very fast.

i- My cousin announced ( that) his cousin had taken a lot of photographs the day before.

j- The teacher asked if we had done our exercises.

Pour le dernier exo, j'ai essayé de mettre un verbe introducteur différent à chaque foir. À toi de voir.. Tu peux en invertir certains...


Bonne fin de journée☺☺☺