
Phonetics summative 1
I /Fill in the gaps :
1-………………………….. are sounds produced with no obstraction to the air flow.
2-………………………….. are sounds produced with a double movement of the tongue in
the oral cavity.
3- ………………………….. transcription that has a high degree of accuracy and shows a lot
of articulatory and auditory details.
4-………………………………are a category of sound that can be voiced or devoiced.
5- ……………………………..are the most complex English sounds of the vowel type.
II / Answer by true or false and correct the false statements :(5pts)
1-D.Jones was the first to design a vowel diagram in the early 20’s. ……………….
2-In English, there are 43 phonemes. ………………..
3- An open vowel is produced with the tongue positioned as low as possible in
order to leave a lot of space for the airflow. ………………………..
4-Diacretics are elemens added in the broad transcription. ………………………
5- The closing criteria in diphthongs classification is used with the same meaning for vowels
III / How many features are taken into account for vowels description ?
Name them : -…………………………………….. ………………………………..
…………………………………….. ……………………………….
…………………………………….. …………………………………
IV/ Transcribe the vowel in the following words and name its type :
Liar : …………. ……………………………………
Boy : ………… …………………………………….
Go : …………. ……………………………………
Bee : ………… ………………………………

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I. Fill in the gaps: 1- Vowels are sounds produced with no obstruction to the airflow. 2- Liquids are sounds produced with a double movement of the tongue in the oral cavity. 3- Narrow transcription is transcription that has a high degree of accuracy and shows a lot of articulatory and auditory details. 4- Obstruents are a category of sound that can be voiced or devoiced. 5- Diphthongs are the most complex English sounds of the vowel type.II. True or False: 1- False. Daniel Jones was the first to design a vowel diagram in the early 20th century. 2- False. In English, there are approximately 44 phonemes. 3- False. An open vowel is produced with the tongue positioned as high as possible. 4- True. Diacritics are elements added in the broad transcription. 5- False. The closing criteria in diphthongs classification is used with a different meaning than for vowels.III. Five features are taken into account for vowels description: height, backness, rounding, tension, and nasalization.IV. Transcription and Type:Liar: /ˈlaɪər/ - DiphthongBoy: /bɔɪ/ - MonophthongGo: /ɡoʊ/ - DiphthongBee: /biː/ - Monophthong