
écris un paragraphe en anglais sur ton exaspération sur les tâches ménagères les obligations à la maison à l'école​

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Réponse :

Certainly! Here's a paragraph expressing frustration about household chores and school obligations:

"I find it incredibly frustrating to juggle household chores and school obligations. It feels like a never-ending cycle of cleaning, cooking, and studying, with no time left for myself. The pressure to excel academically while also maintaining a tidy home is overwhelming. Sometimes, I wish I could just take a break from it all and have a moment to breathe. It's challenging to balance schoolwork with household responsibilities, and it often feels like there's no escape from the constant demands of both. I long for a day when I can just focus on my studies without worrying about chores piling up or deadlines looming over my head."

Réponse :

commence ta phrase par:

 « mad about the task that we  have to do in class and at home like…» et après cherche par toi même les taches que tu en a marre de faire chez toi et a l’école par exemple: sortir les poubelles ( chez toi) etc…  lorsque tu a trouvée les taches reviens vers moi et je t’aiderais pour formuler le reste de ton paragraphe

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