
The bus boycott (script) In December of________, Rosa Parks________________________________________on the bus to a_______________, for which she_______________________________________in jail. ____________________________and other civil rights leaders____________________ _________________of the bus system. This meant that the people who wanted things to change would___________________________________. The Montgomery bus boycott lasted over ________, and so many people__________________________________that the bus companies____________________________. In _______________________________, the Supreme Court ruled that _________________ ______________were ______________________. This was a ______________________for The Civil Rights Movement and it proved that______________________________________


Répondre :


1 january

2 is a black girl

3 boy White

4must give him his place

5 Rosa Parks and

6 ??

7 how is live

8 angry

7 is angry

8 changed

9file a complaint


11 ??

12 black poeple


Réponse :

The bus boycott

In December of 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger, for which she was arrested, fined and spent hours in jail. Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders organized a boycott of the bus system. This meant that the people who wanted things to change would not use the buses. The Montgomery bus boycott lasted over a year, and so many people participated that the bus companies suffered financially. In 1956, the Supreme Court ruled that segregated buses were unconstitutional. This was a significant/great victory for The Civil Rights Movement and it proved that nonviolent protest/ nonviolent disobedience could bring about change.