
je veux 10 résolutions drole en 2024 en anglais avec Will I want pour le collège.

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1. Will I want to invent a homework machine that magically completes all my assignments.
2. Will I want to convince my teachers that napping should be a mandatory class.
3. Will I want to start a club for procrastinators, but we'll plan the first meeting later.
4. Will I want to become an expert at finding the perfect excuse for not doing my homework.
5. Will I want to master the art of looking busy while actually doing nothing in class.
6. Will I want to organize a school-wide "Pajama Day" every Friday.
7. Will I want to petition for longer lunch breaks to accommodate my love for food.
8. Will I want to create a secret handshake with my best friend that only we know.
9. Will I want to perfect my ninja skills to sneak out of boring assemblies undetected.
10. Will I want to become the reigning champion of the "Most Creative Excuse for Being Late to Class" contest.