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"Ma famille d'abord" is a French sitcom centered around Michael Kyle, a father juggling work and family life. The series explores the humorous challenges of parenting and family dynamics with Michael, his wife Jay, and their three children. Each episode features relatable situations, showcasing the importance of family bonds and delivering humor with heartwarming moments. The show is known for its witty dialogue and memorable characters.
“My Family First” is an American sitcom created by Don Reo and Damon Wayans. The series follows the life of Michael Richard Kyle, a loving husband and modern father who teaches the rules of coexistence with a different and unique style. He is married to Janet Marie Johnson Kyle, better known as Jay, with whom he has three children: Michael Richard Kyle Jr., better known as Junior, Claire and little Kady. The series centers on the adventures of the Kyle family and the life lessons that Michael teaches his children, always with a touch of humor. The series aired on the ABC network in the United States and on the CTV network in Canada between March 28, 2001 and May 17, 2005.
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