
Bonjour, pouvez-vous vérifiez les orthographes et les conjugaisons ainsi les grammaires svp

Hello, I’m leana, I live in paris, France but I want to live in London because of French language difficulty so in London the words are easy. I study at Mozart highschool and I hate studuing humanities subjects so I would like study science and i fluent in english language. Also, I like to order online on amazon and drawing but i doesn’t like pickle. Then, i’am passionate about playing badminton even I’m not strong.

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Hello, I’m leana, I live in paris, France but I want to live in London because of French language is difficult but in England the language is more easy than in French. I study at Mozart highschool and I hate studuing humanities subjects so I would like study sciences and I fluent talk english. I also like to order online on amazon and drawing. I doesn’t like pickle. At the end, I am passionate about playing badminton but I’m not strong at is activites.


Je ne pense pas avoir tout juste mais j'ai corriger et mis du sens au texte ;)) mais le reste est bien