Svp c est pour demain

Réponse :
2 These Nike Air Jordans are the most expensive in the shop.
3 In France August is the hottest month of the year.
4 Harry Potter is the most captivating book I have ever read.
5 The Diable 16 is the fastest car you can drive.
6 Scarlett Johansson is the most beautiful actress I have ever seen.
7 English is the easiest language you can learn.
8 Cas de papel is the best series I'veever wathed
9 The Louvre Museum is the most intertig place in Paris.
10 The war in Ukraine is the worst news of the year
Explications :
J'espère t'avoir était utile. Bonne journée
Réponse :
2. These Nike Air Jordan are the most expensive trainers in the shop.
3. In France, August is the hottest month of the year.
4. Harry Potter is the most captiving book I have ever read.
5. The Devil 16 is the fastest car you can drive.
6. Scarlett Johansson is the most beautiful actress I have ever seen.
7. English is the easiest language you can learn.
8. Casa de Papel is the best series I've ever watched.
9. The LOuvre Museum is the most interesting place in Paris.
10.The war in Ukraine is the worst news of the year.
Explications :
En anglais le superlatif se forme pour les adjectifs courts en ajoutant le mot "the" devant l'adjectif et en ajoutant le préfixe -est à l'adjectif voulant être au superlatif
Ex : I'm the youngest in my family.
Pour les adjectifs longs (2 syllabes ou +) on utilise la règle suivante : the most + adj.
Ex : I think the most important thing is the life is to be happy.
Il y a des exceptions :
Good ⇒ The best
Bad ⇒ The worst
Far ⇒ The farthest/furthest
Much/many ⇒ lest
Voilà j'espère t'avoir aidé.
Bonne journée ! :)