
Salut j'espère que vous allez bien je sais que j'ai déjà posée la question mais je la repose parce que je me suis surement mal exprimée je dois rédiger un speech en commençant par " I have a dream ..." aider moi je comprends rien

Répondre :

Coucou, tu dois parler de tes rêves non ? Donc tu prends tes envies etc et tu en fais un petit speech. Exemple :
I have the dream to go around the world. Visiting countries has always been a passion for me. I love discovering new cultures, meeting new people...

Réponse :

Bonjour voilà, j'ai essayé de ne pas mettre des mots trop compliqués à prononcer ... Normalement ça devrait aller, si tu dois le lire devant tout le monde, insiste bien sur les mots en majuscules et articule bien :3 . Bonne chance !

I have a dream.

I want countries to be diverse and fair toward every ethinies, religion and people from all over the world. I want peace in every country, i don’t anyone to plan wars and genocide to eliminated a whole “race” for example. Yes you see me coming, I am taking as reference the cold war, when Hitler built up death camps to kill all jewish and foreigner people. Please let’s all try to appreciate each and everyone, or highest if just ignore the person, but not kill.

We are all humans :asian, European, Spanish, American, JEWISH … We are all the same, we are humans, and one of the characteristics a human should have is kindness or compassion, not HATE. Hate brought what happened during 1939 and 1945: millions of innocent people have been killed just because they were different, our differences exactly is what makes us special. Anti-semitism is a poison, we must fight to prevent it and eradicate it. You are allowed to fight for this type of issue and you are allowed to hate this actual problem because no one deserves to be hated because of his social allegiance.  

I come back to you -jewish people- you are not alone, we will fight for your rights if no one does, we will protect you if no one is willing to do so, we will back you up whenever people try to intimidate you. In fact don’t feel intimidated, don’t feel bad for being who you are, don’t feel ashamed of you existence … Because you’re special, you’re a human, the people that mock you because of your ethynie/religion … are NOT humans. I say no to anti-Semitism. You too : say NO to anti-semitism, fight for these people that are been discriminated because of who they are, stand up for them because you or someone you love could also the next target of those bullies.

Be strong, Be you, Be a good, daring and positive person.

Explications :