
Est ce que vous pouvez m’aider s’il vous plaît a répondre aux 5 questions dessous merci

Bonjour Est Ce Que Vous Pouvez Maider Sil Vous Plaît A Répondre Aux 5 Questions Dessous Merci class=

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Bonjour !!

1- When there is more food than needed, all the excess food is wasted and being dumped.

2- A lot of students are hungry while studying so they can't really concentrate on their work.

3- With this mouvement the author wants us to realize that there is a lot of food that is being wasted while some people are starving.

4- He encourages the people to go and take a look inside the dumpster of the grocery stores and take photos/videos of all the waste and post it on social media with the hashtag #DonateNutDump.

5- The solution might be that instead of wasting and dumping all the excess food, grocery stores should donate this food to all the people in need.