Dear earth, I have written this letter to you. I would like to express all that I feel through these few lines.
The first word that comes to mind is forgiveness. I beg your pardon. Forgive me. Forgive us. I know forgiveness is sacred, and hard to grant. I don’t expect you to forgive all of our faults, but at least know that I am sincerely sorry. I apologize on behalf of our humanity, which has swallowed up your precious resources in a few centuries. I apologize for our human behavior, which has led to the withering away of your mysterious beauty, the extinction of your being, and the annihilation of your soul. I apologize for the deadly fumes, greenhouse gases, clouds of smoke, fuel invading your skies.
Please accept my sincere apologies for the plastic, metal, glass, and other materials that have anchored your green prairies for thousands of years. I beg you to absolve us from the nets, the garbage, the mercury, which are shaken by the waves in all the sources of the world. I submit to your forgiveness for the extreme exploitation we make of your lands, of these enchanting beings who contribute to the air we breathe, deadly practices which not only diminish but decimate your lands and defy the natural cycle. of restarting.
Forgive us for the destruction of the billions of living things that we consider inferior to our human race, for the sole reason that they exist on a vibration different from ours; who chirp when we talk about it, gallop when we walk, sob when we cry. These beings who came into the world from the wrong side have lost the battle of their lives in advance. These living beings have been mistreated, killed, peeled, skinned, scaled, butchered, skinned; whose limbs have been crippled, horns have been pounded, have been poached. They endured this endlessly repeated nonsense that we have considered essential to our existence since the beginnings of our civilization. And I feel deep in my being that you experience every tear of their suffering.
I'm not asking you to understand. Trying to understand doesn't matter anymore. I know your forgiveness is in vain. My brothers and sisters have lost themselves on the path of serenity and contentment, enriching themselves in all emptiness while shying away from the pursuit of our inner peace and harmony. The destruction of our fellow creatures, the intensive use of a piece of the world that will soon be gone, is part of the barbarism that has led to our downfall.
I also admit that I myself participated in this mess and masquerade that led to your downfall. I suddenly realize that all life is of the utmost importance and that no power or human law can justify these malicious acts. Every life is a gift, and every bead of time spent in your company is a treasure.
I perceive that our natural creator will not leave these unspeakable acts without consequence. I feel in the depths of my soul every tear of your suffering. My heart moans in agony and my eyes twinkle with sorrow. Why does it have to be like this?
This letter is my sermon. I promise to live a life in harmony with Mother Nature, to remove my impact on your kingdom, and to guide my fellows in this tireless and perpetual maneuver until my last heartbeat. May you be born again, breathe, live, awaken. May you feel an extraordinary and infinite renewal until the end of time.