Bonjour j'ai besoin d'aide pour mon devoir d'anglais
Cycle 4-3ème - Seq4: Let's fight for Equality and Justice for all!
→ Scenario:
As you may know, all types of discriminations are still part of our daily lives and many people continue to suffer from it every day, so we have to do something!
You are a modern activist and you are going to use all forms of communications to express your determination: Discriminations must be stopped forever!
You are going to deliver a speech to make people change their minds and behaviors on a special day, March 21st, which is The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discriminations.
To make a speech in front of thousands of people, you have to believe in what you say and express things that will have an impact on the future!
For the content (=le contenu), you must:
-explain how discriminations were hard in the past and are still unbearable today
-refer to some important events that happened in the past
-name different people who fought to get equal rights
-invent a slogan or a quote that could be memorable for the people who listen to your speech (you can use it as an anaphora if you want)
For the way to speak, you must:
-be convincing
-use the correct intonation and emphasize the words you find meaningful -speak slowly and mark some short pauses after important words
-Get inspired by what Martin Luther King Jr. did a few years ago. (What he said in 1963 is unfortunately still true today)
-Revise your lessons on the preterit, the passive form, the obligations and
interdictions in the past, the possibilities and impossibilities in the past.
-You can also use the present tense to talk about what happens today, and the future to send a message of hope to the generations to come!
Critères d'évaluation: /20
J'ai réalisé un discours complet en réutilisant les informations importantes demandées/4 J'ai su me montrer convaincant(e) en respectant la méthodologie du discours vue en classe/1.5
J'ai utilisé/inventé un slogan, une citation marquante/1.5
J'ai pris la parole pour raconter, décrire, expliquer à l'aide de phrases complexes/1.5
J'ai exprimé et expliqué mon ressenti/mon opinion/1.5
J'ai employé un lexique adapté, riche et de qualité /2.5
J'ai correctement utilisé les points de grammaire vus en classe /2.5
Je me suis exprimé(e) avec aisance (avec Pages)/2.5
Je me suis exprimé(e) avec la bonne intonation /bonne prononciation en faisant des efforts d'accent/2.5
J'ai réalisé un travail original et de bonne qualité ! → Bonus
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