
2 Complétez les énoncés suivants par le pronom
relatif qui convient et Ø si l'omission du pronom
relatif est possible.
Ex: The books... I like best are detective stories.
The books that/0I like best are detective stories.
a. Inspectors, ... role is crucial in revealing what has
actually happened, are always admired by readers...
are looking forward to discovering the name of the
b. The plot,... is often a complex strategy, can be
highly unexpected.
c. This man,... wife is an inspector, has been living in
Baker Street for quite a few years.
d. The problem... the detective has been trying to
solve secretly for a while has finally been revealed
to the readers.

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2 Complétez Les Énoncés Suivants Par Le Pronom Relatif Qui Convient Et Ø Si Lomission Du Pronom Relatif Est Possible Ex The Books I Like Best Are Detective Stor class=