
Q.No.6) रमेशले वार्षिक 10% व्याजदरमा 4 वर्षको लागि 80,000 जम्मा गर्छन् । Ramesh deposits a sum of Rs 80,000 for 4 years at the rate of interest 10% per annum. a) साधारण व्याज पत्ता लगाउने सुत्र लेख्नुहोस् । Write the formula to find out the Simple interest. (1) b) रमेशले 2 वर्षमा कति व्याज कमाउछन् । How much interest does Ramesh earn in 2 years? (1) c) यदि रमेशले आफ्नो वचतबाट 2 वर्ष पछि रु 30,000 निकालेमा 4 वर्ष पछि उसले जम्मा कति रकम पाउनेछ? If Ramesh with draws Rs.30,000 from his saving after 2 years, want is the total amount that he will receive after 4 years? (2)​

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