
3. Tu es journaliste et tu interroges la famille Carnaby sur un jour très spécial qu'ils ont
vécu: observe l'image et complète l'interview:
You: So Mrs Carnaby, do you remember what happened on July 20th, 1969 ?
Mrs Carnaby: I certainly do! That's the day Neil Armstrong walked on the moon!
You: That's right! And what
Mrs Carnaby:
You: What about your husband, Mr Carnaby? What
Mrs Carnaby
You: Your children were seven and eleven at the time, weren't they?
Mrs Carnaby: Yes, that's right.
You: What
Mrs Carnaby: Well,
So, you see, they saw Neil Armstrong on the moon before we did!
You: Thank you so much for answering my questions.
Mrs Carnaby: You're welcome.
when you heard the
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