Gender Bias Faced By Girls and What We Can Do: One Student's Perspective and Appended Information from the Center by Biwei (Vivian) Huang Center for Mental Health in Schools at
Researchers have found that many facets of school culture reinforce gender stereotypes and biases and accentuate gender differences and inequities. Examples of such problems include differential experiences related to classroom participation, socialization of behavior, textbook content, and more.
With respect to participation, in some classrooms girls have been found to have fewer opportunities than boys to engage in discussions, perhaps because teachers and students expect girls to be passive and quiet while boys are expected to be active and talkative. For instance, in both small-group discussions and whole-class activities, researchers have found that girls' opinions are viewed as inferior by their male peers. Boys often interrupted when girls were talking, and girls would arbitrarily be assigned tasks like taking notes during the discussion, rather than being active in carrying out the assigned experiment or offering opinions.
Socialization processes also may be practiced with gender biases. For instance, male-female differences are reinforced every time a teacher uses gender to group or line up students or handles misbehavior differentially.
Data indicate a tendency for teachers to apply "femininity norms" ("be quiet, neat, and calm") and punish girls harder than boys when they manifest opposite behaviors. In textbooks used until quite recently, researchers found that females were underrepresented. This was reflected in the number of text lines, proportion of named characters, and so forth. Moreover, females and males were portrayed stereotypically (e.g., females shown as nurses, males as doctors and lawyers).
UCLA: University of California Los Angeles / data = données/ peers: camarades, homologues / an experiment = une expérience / few = peu
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