
Bonjour j’ai un devoir pour lundi svp pouvez-vous m’aider j’ai essayé mais j’arrive pas svp merci

Nelson Mandela was a civil rights leader, who fought against apartheid", or
racial discrimination against blacks, in South Africa
Mandela was bom on July 18 in South Africa in 1918. When Mandela was
nine years old, he was adopted by his father's friend Mandela studied law
and opened South Africa's first black law firm
Mandela joined the African National Congress (ANC) to fight against
apartheid. At first, he wanted the ANC to follow Gandhi's non violent protest
After the ANC was banned in 1960, he led a secret army called 'Spear of the Nation.' He traveled
to other countries to ask for help. Later, he began to doubt the effectiveness of Gandhi's methods.
He wanted to bomb some buildings, but not hurt anyone. The government called him a terrorist and
jailed him, in 1962. He spent 27 years in prison. There was an international campaign for his
release. Other countries stopped trading and playing sports with South Africa.
Finally, Mandela was released from prison in 1990. His work paid off when everybody was allowed
to vote in the 1994 election for the first time. He won the election and became the first black
President of South Africa. He retired in 1999. He died on 5 December 2013, after a lung illness.
("Apartheid segregation)
Written comprehension.
I Read the text and answer the questions. (Lis le texte et réponds aux questions.)

1. Give a title to the text (donne un titre au texte en anglais):
2. Give details about Mandela's childhood and youth (donne des détails sur l'enfance et la jeunesse
de Mandela):
3. What did Mandela fight for ? (Quel était le combat de Mandela)?
