
a) Peter Lee keeps a 3-column Cash Book and banks all cheques immediately upon receipt. Payments of $60 or less are paid from petty cash which has a float of $150. These are recorded in a Petty Cash Book with four analysis columns: Postage, Travelling, Sundry Expenses and Small Purchases of Stock From the following information, you are required to: 1) Write up his Cash Book and balance it. i) Write up the Petty Cash Book, balance it and post to the relevant ledger accounts. 006 December 16 Balances: Bank Cash Petty cash 17 Reimbursed petty cash float 18 L John paid his debt of $1,740 by cash less 5% discount 19 P King paid his account by cheque Paid for stock by cheque 20 Bank charges 21 Cash sales for the week Postage stamps bought Purchased small items of stock 22 Banked cash Paid for stock by cheque 23 Wages paid by cheque Paid taxi fare 24 Paid O Sum by cheque to settle a debt of $2,250 less 4% discount 26 Petty cash float reimbursed Paid for postage for a package 28 Cash sales for the week Banked cash 30 P King's cheque for $2,025 was stamped "NSF" by the bank and returned 31 Cleaning and painting expenses paid $ 1,722.00 378.00 57.00 2,025.00 1,419.00 10.05 2,160.00 36.00 51.00 3,000.00 1,950.00 900.00 22.95 54.00 3,825.00 3,600.00 45.00 ​

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