
Zoom In
1 Identify the two main
characters (name, age) and
say where they live.
2 What is the narrator's
relationship with Allison?
3 Describe the new girl. Is
the first contact with her a
hostile one? Justify your answer.
4 Explain Allison's reaction
towards the new girl. How
does the narrator describe
her at that moment?
5 Say how the black girl
and her mother react.
6 Explain why Allison is
7 Describe the narrator's
attitude. Why does he react
this way?
B How does the narrator
feel days after the incident?
How does he feel now?

Zoom In 1 Identify The Two Main Characters Name Age And Say Where They Live 2 What Is The Narrators Relationship With Allison 3 Describe The New Girl Is The Fir class=