
Present perfect, past tense simple or be + Ving?
Choose the correct verb form
11 .…..................... .....(be) to Australia once in my life.
2 When I ...............(go) it.......(be) winter over there.
3 First, I................ ..(try) surfing on the Gold Coast.
4 Then, I
through the desert.
5 When I ......................(watch)
serpent that.......
61...................(take) my knife and ........
7 At the end of my holiday I said " I
two animals and
8 .........
......(spend) twoo weeks in the outback. I even ..........(drive)
the wildlife, I suddenly.......
(glide) through the bushes.
.( travel) through the desert.
..(you ever go) to Australia?
.............(spot) a huge
.........(kill) it.
..(be) to three beaches, ...(kill)