the summary of this story please:The year was 1946. It was a time when no one had any money. There was no escape, except in your mind. So when I saw the appeal for pen friends, I wrote a reply. I waited and waited, checking the post daily. Several weeks passed. Then, one day, a letter arrived. It was from America and the envelope had a nice stamp. It was so exciting. I tore it open and started to read. Dear Violet, My name is Helen and I'm 16. I live with my parents in Massachusetts and attend high school. I'd love to hear about your life in Britain... Helen told me about her family and friends. The war was over and life in Britain was sad. In contrast, America was the land of milk and honey. When I finished reading I picked up a pen and started to write back Dear Helen, Life in America is very different from here. It sounds wonderful... We became regular pen pals. I told her about the factory where I worked and we wrote about boy-friends and dances. Helen's letters became the highlight of my week. My family would gather round while I read out her news. We were thousands of miles apart but she felt like a best friend. In time, we both married and we exchanged photos. More years passed and wedding photos progressed to baby