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After the disruption alienation, and insecurity of the Great Depression and the Second World War, the family, more so than ever before, became the center of Postwar prosperity made the banalities of housework less taxing, but often came s at a cost to women who gave up careers to maintain the domestic sphere. This Lifestyle stressed the importance of a one-income household, with the husband working and the wife staying at home to raise the children. Historian Elaine Tyler May called it a kind of "domestic containment". In seeking to nurture" their families in the suburbs of the 1950s, housewives and mothers often gave so up their aspirations for fulfilment outside the home. [-] Shifting social norms quickly altered staid notions of domesticity. Amidst the routine of household duties, many postwar wives and mothers were frustrated by their lack of professional fulfillment. Betty Friedan memorably identified this malaise as "the problem with no name" in her landmark book The Feminine as Mystique (1963). The book's popularity attested to Friedan's connection with a feeling of discontent'. Daughters who came of age in the 1960s were determined to make their lives less constrained than those of their mothers. Consequently, the women's rights movement and the sexual revolution of the 1960s challenged many of the traditional notions of motherhood and marital relationships. Many young women rejected the sexual conventions of their parents' generation. [-] 1 pénible 2 prendre soin 3 mécontentement The Office of History Preservation, Women in Congress 1917-2006, 2007
1/ read the text
2/pick out key elements related to the role of women in society - make a mindmap of the causes and consequences of this evolution
3/explain what domestic containment is​

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