
bonjour vous pouvez m'aider s'il vous plaît merci beaucoup
Oral expression (20 points)
Help help! This lady has fallen on the floor and you are the only one nearby. It is time for you to show us the right behaviour to adopt in case of an emergency. Use the picture below and the information displayed about the lady to make a statement of the situation. Then, imagine a dialogue you could have with the first aid responders on the phone. They will guide you through the first few steps while waiting for the paramedics. Make sure to use the vocabulary you have learnt and the grammar from your lesson. Work on your tone to make two different plausible voices! Once you are ready, record your voice to assess your oral skills.
Judy, 73 years old. Lives in Manhattan. Had a stroke before. Started feeling sick in the early afternoon. Under heart medication for the past three years. Supposed to meet with her cardiologist next week. Unconscious for 7 ​