bonjour est-ce que quelqu’un pourrait m’aider à faire ma compréhension écrite en anglais svp
In early 2016, I began paying attention to reports about
the incredible number of unarmed black people being
killed by the police. The posts on social media
disturbed me, but one in particular brought me to
tears: the killing of Alton Sterling in my hometown
Baton Rouge. This could have happened to any family
members who still live in the area. I felt furious, hurt
and hopeless. I wanted to do something, but I didn't
know what or how to do it. All I knew for sure is that I
wanted it to be as respectful as possible.
A few weeks later, during preseason, my teammate Colin Kaepernick chose to sit on the bench during the
national anthem to protest police brutality.
I approached Colin the Saturday before our next game to discuss how I could get involved with the cause but
also how we could make a more powerful and positive impact on the social justice oppression against people
of color, police brutality and the criminal justice system. After hours of careful consideration, we came to the
conclusion that we should kneel rather than sit the next day during the anthem as a peaceful protest. We
chose to kneel because it's a respectful gesture.
It baffle me that our protest is still being misconstrued as disrespectful to the country, flag and military
personnel. We choosed it because it's exactly the opposite. It have always been my understanding that the
brave men and women who fought and died for our country do so to ensure that we could live in a fair and
free society, which includes the right to speak out in protest.
It should to go without saying that I loves my country and I'm proud to be an American. But, to quote James
Baldwin, "exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize it perpetually."
1) pour le premier paragraphe (2 a 6) soulignez tout les verbes conjugués et déterminés à quel temps ils sont conjugués. réécrivez le paragraphe en mettant les verbes conjugués à la forme négative
2) dans les paragraphes 4 et 5 , il y a 6 fautes de conjugaison. trouvez-l’es et corrigé-les, précisez le numéro de la ligne et recopiez le verbe avec la faute puis corrigez-la
3) les phrases suivantes expriment la capacité, l’obligation et l’interdiction. elles sont toutes rédigées avec des auxiliaires modaux. reformulez-les en remplaçant les auxiliaires modaux par une expression qui en a le même sens
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