
Hello. Let me introduce myself... Today, I would like to talk about a very special issue. 751 Indeed, the topic I am interested in and I am going to deal with is about endangered species, and more particularly about iguanas. /I/ Actually, to be more precise, I really would like to talk about what we can do to protect, help and save iguanas. At first, let me refer to basic elements concerning their life and what they look like. I /(...) lei/ Then, I am going to talk about their habitat and diet. (...) laul And finally/ at last, it seems interesting to talk about possible solutions to save this endangered species. (...)

Je dois rédiger un texte sur une espèces en danger en anglais(j'ai choisi la tortue de mer) mais je sais absolument pas quoi écrire.
Ma prof nous a donner ce texte et il faut le continuer. Aidez moi svp!!​