Bonjour j'ai écris un texte en anglais en rapport avec l'espace et je dois mettre le texte au présent perfect (si j'ai des fautes pourriez vous me les corriger) s'il vous plaît, merci beaucoup :)
THE TEXT: I have traveled in the space with my crew ''the aliens''. We have gone the 3 February 2022 to 7A.M. To go in the March departure it was good. But when we have arrived on the Red Planet a strange atmosphere it is felt. There was many dusts but it's ok. We have started a many experiences for know if the Red Planet is habitable or no for the humans. We have made the same experience for 3months. But one day a disaster arrived, one spaceman of the crew is missing. We have searched him for many weeks and one day he reappeared but it was dead. We have shock because one: he is dead and two : behind we the was an aliens. There were four and there have a blood on her, the blood of my partner. After this tragic evenement we came back on the Earth the 11July 2022 and this evenement have traumatised me and my crew.
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