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AGONY AUNT empowers you with professional advice to reduce workplace pressure

I am a 28-year-old woman. I have been working with my company for over 6 years now. Recently, my old boss retired and I got a new boss. He is very arrogant, always wants his way and does not listen to any suggestions I make. Obviously, I don't expect him to listen to all that I have to say, but I would like it if he would at least acknowledge. He overloads me with a lot of tasks to do and very short deadlines that are hard to meet. It is overall a very frustrating situation. What should I do?
Ans: The frustration is the surface level fee-ling of more complex feelings such as loss of familiarity and being answerable to a new person. Since your rapport with the previous boss is now severed and the same hasn't been established here with the new boss, these feelings might appear too intense. There is a high possibility of the new boss being demanding; however, in order to bridge the gap, your efforts would involve being com municative and open to discussions. Expres sing your work limits and working with him to figure out a mid-way is essential so as to work harmoniously.

Je vous remercie d’avance !!

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