
Bonjour, voici mon exercice d’anglais. S’il vous plaît.

Comment employer les auxiliaires modaux
À une phrase de la première série (lettres) corres-
pond une phrase de la seconde (chiffres). Traduisez
ces phrases et reformez le dialogue.
A. Let's go to the beach, shall we?
B. We must hurry, the beach will be crowded.
C. You should take your sweatshirt with you.
D. It's forbidden to swim when the red flag is out.
E. It is freezing. I don't want to go in anyway.
1. You're right, it might be cold in the eve-
2. No, we needn't, the weather isn't very
3. Super, but I must buy some new swim-
ming trunks first.
4. No, it isn't. You ought to try.
5. Yes, I know. What shall we do all day